Jerzy Łuczak - the unusual artist

The Community Worker

For two years, Jerzy Łuczak has been in charge of the Europa Shelter of Culture, located in Poznań at 24 Rolna Street (backyard entrance). When he received a proposal to work as a ‘head of a culture center under construction’, this establishment was a godforsaken air-raid shelter. Many such facilities were built during the Communist period of Poland’s history, which are today frequently devastated or inhabited by social outcasts. The case with Rolna was different. The “Rolna” Housing Cooperative, owner of this establishment,... [more]

A sportsman and coach

Sport is Jerzy Łuczak’s second passion, or rather a second part of his life. Having practised wrestling for many years, having obtained instructor’s certification, he has always considered sports – particularly wrestling – as an important part of his life and personality. As a coach, he endeavours to educate youths and develop their passion to this most favourite discipline. In his opinion, sport has given him strength to overcome even those difficulties which were not related to sport. Sport lets him always rise again and... [more]

The Painter

People tend to say that to peek into an artist’s soul, it is enough to see his works. But what if someone paints landscapes in which light struggles with darkness, to follow with still lives, and only to say afterwards: ‘this is my place’; if he paints frescoes on walls and is fascinated with small pencil sketch forms – then what is his soul actually like? Well then, perhaps it would be better not to try creative criticism of the artist’s works and to leave it to... visitors to the online gallery. Better still, let’s... [more]