Jerzy Łuczak - Reviews

The space of mystery (Maciej MAZUREK)

Jerzy Łuczak is an artist of pathos. For him, the order of feelings enchanted in a work of art is more valuable than a conceptual idea. A work of art should first influence emotions and only secondly on the all-contriving intellect. It should give rise to metaphysical longings. And it should be beautiful. Łuczak searches for sanctified space, which is at the same time the space of man's homeland... [more]

Whispers in the fog (Barbara Gałężewska)

The words of these prayers are not spoken in a sanctuary, by a kneeling monk, modest, silent and resistant to the world’s noise. Nor are they ostentatious yells of crowded demonstrations. Jerzy Łuczak creates his drawings with modesty, aware of his – and their – deficiencies and imperfection. These drawings emanate with mysterious strength, perhaps arising from revealing one"s own... [more]

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